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Basile Ibrahim, B., Knobf, M.T., Shorten, A., Cheyney, M., Illuzzi, J., Vedam, S., Kennedy, H.P. (2021). “I had to fight for my VBAC”: A Mixed Methods Study of U.S. Women’s Experiences of Pregnancy and Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. Birth, 48(2). doi: 10.1111/birt.12513; available here for free
Basile Ibrahim, B., Vedam, S., Illuzzi, J., Cheyney, M., Kennedy, H.P. (2022). Inequities in quality perinatal care during a pregnancy and birth after cesarean in the United States. PLOS One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0274790; available here for free
Basile Ibrahim, B., Interrante, J.D., Fritz, A., H., Tuttle, M.S., Kozhimannil, K.B. (2022). Inequities in availability of evidence-based birth supports to improve perinatal health for socially vulnerable rural residents. Children, Special Issue: Social Determinants of Disparities in Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes. doi:10.3390/children9071077; available here for free
Basile Ibrahim, B. Kozhimannil, K.B. (2023). Racial disparities in respectful maternity care during a pregnancy and birth after cesarean in rural United States. JOGNN. link
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Combellick, J., Basile Ibrahim, B., Julien, T., Scharer, K., Jackson, K., Kennedy, H.P. (2022). Birth During the Covid-19 Pandemic: What Childbearing People in the U.S. Needed to Achieve a Positive Birth Experience. Birth. doi: 10.1111/birt.12616; available here for free
Combellick, J., Basile Ibrahim, B., Scharer, K., Brickley, T., Minenberg, L., Kennedy, H.P. (2023). Applying Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic to Future Threats to the Perinatal Care System. JMWH. link